Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Are Books Becoming Extinct?

Are books the dinosaurs of the publishing world?

Although it seems to be going that way, I don't think books will become extinct anytime soon. Many predict that books will be obsolete because of the innovation and introduction of the internet. Since the internet, cd sales, dvd sales, newpaper and magazine subscriptions have been dwindling. Now a days, everyone is hooked up to the internet and getting their media that way.

However, books have a different feel to them. They're very much romantic in a sense. Imagine having to load up and cuddle to your computer or laptop to read a good romance novel or mystery book. That wouldn't be much fun. The convenience of a small paperback novel is something that current laptops can't provide. Books, hardcover or paperback, are going to be those classic things that you won't be able to give up. You don't have to worry about running out of battery before getting to that next exciting page that you want to read.

Some may reason that instead of carrying around numerous books that all together weigh more than one wants to carry, they would rather utilize a laptop that has everything from classic stories to the latest breaking news stories right at their finger tips. But what if a virus, glitch in the system, or a simple issue of running out of battery occurs? What then? These are issues that books will never give you. Books = RELIANCE, and that's a quality everyone can appreciate.

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