Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Professor Buchwitz gave us a handout on the very first day of class that helps you to estimate how much media we really do utilize. I thought it was pretty cool so I started filling it out and before even finishing the whole handout, I came to the conclusion that media is a HUGE part of my life.

I wake up in the morning and the first thing I do is turn on my television. When I get into my bathroom to take my morning shower, I turn on my radio which is also in the bathroom. (I have this guilty pleasure of singing in the shower as if I have the best singing voice ever. Keep in mind that I'm the only person to ever hear me sing. =P ) After my shower, while getting dressed and applying on my makeup, for work, or for school, or for my usual long day, I am listening to my television programs. Also keep in mind that I do not actually "watch" these morning TV programs, but instead I'm merely listening to them. When driving to my designated locations for the day, I ALWAYS have my radio on. In the mornings I listen to my usual AM news/talk radio stations (810, 960, etc.) and in the evenings I am always listening to my cd's or my usual radio stations (106.1, 102.5, etc.). Right when I get home the first thing I do is turn back on the TV and it stays on until I fall asleep. Even after getting into bed and closing my eyes, the TV is still on because of this nifty function called "sleep". I put my TV on "sleep" so that I can fall asleep to the sound of the TV, and then after 30 mins or so, the TV turns itself off automatically.

I really never realized how much I used and depended on media and it's different mediums. It's to the point where having the TV on just feels comforting now. If it's off, it's way too quiet for me. Now, I'm not saying that this is a bad thing or a good thing. I think the media is a great phenomenon and I appreciate all that it gives me. It gives me comfort, entertainment, and useful, daily information. If one should call me a media-junkie after reading this particular blog, I would not be offended but instead gladly agree. =P

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Anonymous said...
